Why Didn't Jesus Come Back "SOON?"

Revelation 1:1 says that John was given the vision of Revelation "to show to his servants the things that must soon take place." While some of the prophetic words in Revelation did "soon take place," some of it still has yet to happen 2,000 years later—like the return of Jesus, the resurrection of Christians, and the new creation.

The early church truly lived as though such things would happen any day. And they had good reason to expect it to happen "soon" in a literal sense, since Jesus said elsewhere that such things would happen within a generation. So what's going on here? Was Jesus wrong? If not, then what are we missing? In this episode, Jamin proposes an answer found within the way that Biblical prophecy works.

To go deeper into this understanding, check out "When the Son of Man Didn't Come: A Constructive Proposal on the Delay of the Parousia" edited by Christopher M. Hays. https://www.amazon.com/When-Son-Man-Didnt-Come-ebook/dp/B01G2M4NM0/

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Is the Famous "Angel of the Lord" in Revelation?


No, You Cannot Fully Understand Revelation